San Andreas: A film with more than just one fault

'San Andreas' Theatrical Release Poster

‘San Andreas’ Theatrical Release Poster

The big budget summer disaster movie of the summer has arrived. San Andreas is the latest in a long line of similar disaster movies, with virtually every conceivable type of disaster been given the big screen treatment over the decades. The disaster movie has come to be one of Hollywood’s most enduring and lucrative genres in that time, and the obvious reason as to why Hollywood’s appetite for destruction has continued so unabated. Consider that alongside the idea that there is something endlessly fascinating about witnessing the destruction of man’s creation by nature, and the repercussions that may conceivably take place in the immediate aftermath. Continue reading

David Fincher Series #2: Se7en (1995)

'Seven' Theatrical Release Poster.

‘Seven’ Theatrical Release Poster.

“What’s in the box!?” is the chilling question posed in the finale of David Fincher’s second feature Seven; the question is the culmination of a build-up of tensions during the course of the film, and represents the beginnings of the filmmaking style that has become synonymous with David Fincher as a director. Coming three years after the disappointing and heavily studio interfered Alien 3, Seven became Fincher’s chance to make a film free of such interference and with greater creative freedom, and it’s an opportunity he relished. Continue reading